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7 Exercises to Do Everyday to Keep Fit at Home

They say that sitting is the new smoking, and there may be more that than just being a catchy phrase. Compared to our ancestors, we're spending far more time on our backsides — working at the computer, watching TV, playing video games, scrolling around our phones — and that sedentary lifestyle is a detriment to our health. That's why exercise is more important than ever: engaging in regular physical activity helps counteract negative effects and promotes overall well-being, from physical health to mental and emotional health.


Luckily, you don't need an expensive gym membership, hard-to-store fitness equipment, or even access to a track to keep your fitness in check. All you need is the determination, the right gear, and some tips.


Tips for Maximizing Your Home Workout

Working out at home sounds easier than it actually is. While taking a class or playing a sport usually requires dedicated time and space on your calendar, exercising at home needs to become a top priority in your schedule so you don't overlook it. And when you get tired, you won't have a trainer to push you to keep going — it has to come from you.


Make It Part of Your Routine

It helps to dedicate some time in your day to exercise — maybe waking up 30 minutes earlier or watching less TV at night and replacing that activity with activity — so it can seamlessly become part of your day.


Stay Hydrated and Well Rested

Working out is difficult enough without battling sleep deprivation and dehydration. To ensure you're getting the most out of your physical activity, make sure you're thinking about your health throughout the day by drinking enough water and keeping a sleep schedule that works for you.


Wear the Right Workout Gear

Compression workout gear is growing in popularity for its many benefits: enhanced muscle support, improved blood circulation, comfort with freedom of movement, and the ability to regulate body temperatures during even the toughest sweat sessions. Compression technology also aids in pre-workout preparation time and post-workout recovery, helping you reach your full fitness potential.

product image of male athlete doing a lunge and ab twist wearing stabilyx ventilator shorts

The Benefits of Compression for Home Workouts

Because compression sports apparel firmly hugs the area of your body that it covers, the gear provides an extra layer of stability during a workout. Their snug fit also improves performance by improving blood flow, and encouraging fluid movement in the body means getting rid of waste products from exercise quickly. Compression gear can also help minimize muscle oscillation, vibrations in the body caused by impact during physical activity that can cause muscle damage. All of this means a quicker recovery from your workout and a reduced risk of injury.


CW-X has patented EXO-WEB™technology that creates an exoskeletal support system by mimicking kinesiology taping that trainers apply to injured muscles, creating an exoskeletal support system that improves biomechanics during motion, from warming up the muscles ahead of a workout to maximizing support during peak training zones to accelerating rest periods. CW-X provides compression shorts, tights, sports bras, and sleeves for both women and men looking to achieve their full fitness potential.


Exercise 1: Push-ups with Compression Gear

Push-ups are a highly effective bodyweight exercise that engages multiple muscle groups, primarily the chest, shoulders, triceps, and core. Start in a plank position with your wrists aligned with your shoulders and feet together, forming a straight line from your head to your heels. Lower your body by bending your elbows without going all the way to the floor before pushing back up.


Wearing a compression sleeve during push-ups can provide enhanced muscle and elbow joint support, especially if someone has experienced a past elbow injury. Better muscle efficiency can also improve proprioception, or body awareness, ensuring you get the most potential out of every push-up.


Exercise 2: Squats with Compression Gear

Squats target multiple muscles in the lower body including quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. Get ready for this exercise by spacing your feet shoulder-width apart, then push your hips back and bend your knees like you're about to sit in a low chair while keeping your torso upright. Continue lowering yourself until your thighs are parallel to the ground, then push back up to starting position.


For lower body exercises such as squats, compression gear prevents chaffing while allowing for full range of motion, ensuring nothing can get in the way of your workout. 


Exercise 3: Planks with Compression Gear

A plank is an isometric exercise that is a great workout for your core, especially your abs and obliques. With your hands and feet on the ground, form a straight line from your head to your heels with your fingers spread out for stability. Hold this position, extending the time as you advance in your workout.


Compression gear can help support your back and shoulders while in the plank position, reducing the risk of strain or discomfort in those areas. It can also assist in maintaining the right alignment by increasing your body awareness.


Exercise 4: Lunges with Compression Gear

For an effective exercise that targets the lower body while also engaging core stability and balance, turn to lunges. Begin by standing and taking a big step forward with one foot, keeping your front knee above your ankle. Lower your body by bending both knees until your back knee comes close to the ground and your front thigh is parallel to the floor. Push through your front feel to return to starting position. Then alternate sides.


Because compression shorts and tights firmly hug your hips and legs, they provide an extra layer of stability during a workout, especially while executing lunges. Their fit also improves performance by improving blood flow, and encouraging fluid movement in the body means getting rid of waste products from exercise quickly.


Exercise 5: Jumping Jacks with Compression Gear

Who hasn't done a jumping jack back in gym class? They're not just for kids — jumping jacks or star jumps are effective cardiovascular exercises that provide a full body workout of the legs, arms, and core. Start with your feet together and arms at your sides, then jump while simultaneously spreading your legs apart and raising your arms above your head. As quickly as you can, return to starting position then repeat for the desired number of repetitions.


Wearing compression gear during this exercise will prevent chafing, regulate body temperature, wick moisture from sweat, and give pressure to muscles for improved performance and faster recovery.


Exercise 6: Mountain Climbers with Compression Gear

Commonly used in high-intensity interval training workouts, mountain climbers target the core, shoulders, chest, and legs all at once while also being a cardiovascular exercise. Beginning in a plank position on the floor, bring one knee toward your chest then bring it back to starting position. Then alternate by doing the same movement with your other leg while keeping a steady rhythm without sacrificing form. Repeat for your intended duration.


Compression sports apparel will definitely come in handy on this exercise, eliminating chaffing despite lots of movement in the legs and increasing blood flow with gentle pressure.


Exercise 7: Burpees with Compression Gear

Burpees are difficult — just a few and you'll be breathing hard! — but effective because they combine strength training with cardiovascular conditioning. Start by standing before lowering your body to a squat position then kicking your legs back to form a plank position. Then bring your legs back to the squatting position before jumping upwards with your arms extended above your head before landing. Repeat as desired.


Improved blood flow from wearing compression gear can help in delivering oxygen and nutrients to the working muscles and facilitate the removal of metabolic waste products, contributing to better performance and recovery.

female athlete tying drawstring on tights

Choosing the Right Compression Gear for Your Home Workouts

No matter your skill level, compression clothing is a vital part of anyone's workout gear. With a range of options to suit every athlete, you can get all-around coverage or focus on a specific area.

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Joints — such as knees, elbows, ankles, and shoulders— go through extra stress during physical activity, and compression sleeves can assist in stabilizing these areas. Those recovering from injuries may add a sleeve to their gear, but these pieces can also be used by anyone as a support and body temperature regulator.

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Sports Bras

Compression sports bras help to limit movement during a workout, which doesn't just make for a more comfortable experience — they help to prevent strain on your neck, back, and shoulders.

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Compression Shorts and Tights

From shorts to full-length options, compression tights have quite a few benefits for athletes: they prevent chafing, regulate body temperature, wick moisture, and give pressure to muscles for improved performance and faster recovery.


Compression technology does more than enhance a home workout — by using them to their full potential, including before for warm-up and after to enhance recovery, the gear provides the extra boost to take your workout to the next level. CW-X has a range of products for both men and women with options that fit any fitness goal while staying stylish — and when you look good, you feel good — and get that extra boost to add an extra 10 seconds to your plank.